
Jeremy started homebrewing in 2013 while in graduate school. He's a proponent of the KISS method--Keep It Stupid Simple. Homebrewing is a hobby and as a result, it should be fun! Homebrewing doesn't have to be unnecessarily complicated.He has a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame and has worked as an analytical chemist in the pharmaceutical industry since 2018. He is married to his wife, Madeline (also a PhD!), and they have a son and a dog.

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Goals for 2024

As 2023 comes to a close, it is time to make some goals for the new year. Here are some of my goals for 2024: Recipes to Share My tastes have been gravitating towards Continental lagers recently. There’s just something about a crisp, flavorful, refreshing lager that quenches the thirst and satisfies the soul. So, […]

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Pressure Fermentation

Under Pressure – The Ins and Outs of Pressure Fermentation

Background Pressure fermentation, or fermenting under pressure, is one of the many techniques that have transcended the commercial/homebrew barrier. It is a technique touted for many advantages, such as the reduction of off-flavors, such as esters and fusel alcohols, increasing the speed of fermentation due to higher temperatures, and the ability to reduce the loss

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Crisp, Cold, and Refreshing: The Art of Lager Beer

Lager beer? Isn’t that the watery stuff? Especially if you are from the United States, you probably associate “lager” beer with the likes of Bud Light, Budweiser, Miller Lite, Coors (Lite), Michelob Ultra, etc. And you may think of those as beer-flavored water. (Don’t get your neighbor started on Busch Light, Keystone Light, or any

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