Goals for 2024

As 2023 comes to a close, it is time to make some goals for the new year.

Here are some of my goals for 2024:

Recipes to Share

My tastes have been gravitating towards Continental lagers recently. There’s just something about a crisp, flavorful, refreshing lager that quenches the thirst and satisfies the soul. So, with that in mind, here are some of the brews I have planned to share in 2024:

What are you looking forward to enjoying in the new year?

Content to Share

Earlier this year, I started a YouTube channel. You can find it here. My goal with the YouTube channel is to supplement the information shared in this blog.

I’ve shared a brew day video for the American Amber ale I brewed over the summer. You can see the video here.

I’ve got a few videos in the pipeline from recent brew days to share, so stay tuned for those!

Beers Submitted for Competitions

In 2023, I submitted two of my beers to some competitions. I enjoy feedback on my brews from family and friends, but having a more (hopefully) objective critique will help me tune my processes to improve my beer.

The above American Amber ale scored a 33.5/50 (“very good” category) in September and my first attempt at a Munich Helles scored a 25/50—the judges thought the yeast produced too many esters to fit the style. I used the hybrid yeast strain Novalager from Lallemand, which is known to produce some red apple esters. I may try to remake the recipe using a cleaner lager yeast like W-34/70 from Fermentis or L17 Harvest from Imperial Yeast and see if those can score better.

So, continuing with that solicitation for feedback, I plan on entering a few more beers into competitions in 2024!

What Are Your Goals for 2024?

Are you looking to start your homebrewing journey in the new year? How about joining a local homebrew club? Maybe you are looking at upgrading your brewing equipment or simplifying your processes. Let me know what brewing in 2024 looks like for you!

I hope you, your family, and your friends have a wonderful close to 2023. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

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