
Fermentation Temperature Experiment: Cupcakes

The Science Behind Fermentation Temperature: An Illustration with Cupcakes

It’s easy to get caught up in wanting to brew the hottest craze in craft beer at home. And designing cool recipes is, well, cool. But what I’m going to tell you may seem crazy: Fermentation is more important than the recipe. Much more, in fact. Yeast health and fermentation temperature control are bigger contributors

The Science Behind Fermentation Temperature: An Illustration with Cupcakes Read More »


Malty Sweet Goodness: Barley, Wheat, and Oats, Oh Rye! | What is Malt?

What is Malt? When one thinks of beer, one should think of the four primary ingredients: water, malt, hops, and yeast. But what is malt? Malt, or malted grain, is the sugar source that yeast converts into carbon dioxide and ethanol. Cereal grains, such as barley, wheat, oats, and rye, are germinated, which allows the

Malty Sweet Goodness: Barley, Wheat, and Oats, Oh Rye! | What is Malt? Read More »


Do the Two-Step: Let’s Mash It Up | Breakdown of the Mash

What is Mashing? Mashing in brewing is the process where water is mixed with milled or crushed grain which allows the brewer to make wort. Compounds in the grain such as sugars, proteins, and enzymes are solubilized by the water. Enzymes will also transform insoluble compounds like starches into more soluble compounds. There are many

Do the Two-Step: Let’s Mash It Up | Breakdown of the Mash Read More »